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Top site to write history essay

How to write an essay in history.

An essay in history is a short analytical report or explanatory, interpretive study of a historical topic or issue.

The most common types of essays are:

1) the free essay - the author freely, according to a plan of his or her own devising, presents his or her opinion on a historical topic or issue the argumentative essay. Point out the inconsistency of the claim with the requirements of logic, with certain regularities.

To write an essay you need:

- broad and deep knowledge,

- the ability to analyse and select the necessary facts and arguments,

- the ability to plan and organise material logically,

- the ability to make reasoned judgements and draw conclusions

Writing the argumentative essay

An argumentative essay is usually written when you need to confirm or deny a claim. The essay may:

- reasonably agree

- reasonably disagree

- develop the problem in a way

Defend your chosen position with 3 arguments:

Argument 1 is the weakest,

2. the argument is strong,

3. the argument is the strongest.

Finally, a conclusion should be drawn by summarising the thoughts of all the arguments.

Reasonably agreeing:

- support the statement with your own opinions, experience, facts, scientific opinions

- refute possible counter-arguments

Reasonably disagreeing:

- challenge the credibility of the claim with counter-arguments

- may accept the claim but must point out its limitations

- analyse the claim by relating it to scientific knowledge, facts

Developing the problem further:

- identify additional aspects that need to be addressed

Structure of the essay

Introduction... Formulate the main questions or problems, outline the main hypothesis, argue the scope and sequence. A weak introduction from.


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Tags: Essay

Added: 08-08-2022

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