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Bridging Medicine and Aesthetics: Cosmetology Courses for Doctors at Kosmoderma Academy

Kosmoderma Academy invites doctors to embark on a transformative journey into the world of aesthetics with our specialized clinical cosmetology courses designed specifically for medical professionals. Our comprehensive training program bridges the gap between medicine and aesthetics, equipping doctors with the knowledge and skills to provide holistic care and aesthetic solutions to their patients. As a doctor, you possess a deep understanding of the human body and its intricate workings.At Kosmoderma Academy, we recognize the value of this medical background and strive to build upon it, offering courses that delve into the intricacies of cosmetic dermatology, non-surgical procedures, and aesthetic medicine. Our cosmetology courses after MBBS cover a wide range of topics, including skin analysis, injectables (such as Botox and dermal fillers), laser treatments, chemical peels, PRP therapy, mesotherapy, and much more. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge, practical training, and hands-on workshops, you will gain the expertise to integrate aesthetic procedures into your medical practice effectively.


Main category: Business

Sub category: Education

Tags: clinical cosmetology courses,medical aesthetics training near me,cosmetology certificate programs,

Added: 01-08-2023

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