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Discovering Advaita Vedanta: Exploring Maya, Brahman, and Samsara

In this course, students will investigate some of the most fundamental misconceptions surrounding Advaita Vedanta. Should the universe be considered unreal? Is this a pessimistic worldview? Should the globe be abandoned? Is it exclusive to Sannyasis? Vedantasara of Sadananda, an authoritative Acharya of the Advaita tradition, will be studied in-depth to facilitate the formation of well-informed perspectives on Advaita Vedanta amongst the students. Students will gain new insights into Advaita Vedanta philosophy through this study. Vedantasara of Sadananda – Part 1 Course content: This is the first course in a two-part course sequence that systematically introduces Advaita Vedanta based on Sadananda's Vedantasara. Advaita Vedanta is the most dynamic and widespread of the Vaidika Darshanas. It provides answers to our most fundamental concerns regarding life and the human condition. Although numerous texts deal with the principles of Advaita Vedanta, Vedantasara is an excellent introduction. This Text is required at the Graduate level in Indian universities. What Sankhya Karika is to Sankhya philosophy, Vedantasara is to Advaita Vedanta. Vedantasara is composed of forty-two Gadyanshas and is written in Prose. Once the pupil acquires a solid foundation in Advaita Vedanta, other texts such as the Brahmasutra, Bhagavadgita, Upanishads, and other Darshanas become more accessible. The first course will cover approximately half of the text, while the second course will cover the remainder. No prior knowledge of Sanskrit or Vedanta philosophy is required to enroll in this course. The pupils will receive a PDF containing the primary text in both Devanagari and Roman script. In addition, PDFs of supplementary reading materials will be distributed. This course will also provide students with an introduction to the Sanskrit language.


Main category: Regional

Sub category: United States

Tags: advaita vedanta, sankhya philosophy, vedanta philosophy

Added: 19-04-2023

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